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                                    97WARNING: Equipment that includes a faucet may expose you to chemicals, including lead, that are known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more Info.,visit Faucets on this page may expose you to chemicals, including lead, that are known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more Info.,visit DROP-INS Drop-In Ice Bins, Bar Sinks & Drain Pans18%u201d WIDE CountertopDrain Pan %u2022 Removable Drip Tray%u2022 Stainless Steel Top%u2022 1/2%u201d NPT DrainModel # PriceSizeW x LCut Out SizeApprox. WeightApprox.Cu. Ft.DP-1818 $1113 18%u201d x 18%u201d 15 3/4%u201d x 15 3/4%u201d 18 lbs. 2DP-1824 1137 18%u201d x 24%u201d 15 3/4%u201d x 21 3/4%u201d 23 lbs. 2DP-1830 1162 18%u201d x 30%u201d 15 3/4%u201d x 27 3/4%u201d 28 lbs. 3DP-1836 1202 18%u201d x 36%u201d 15 3/4%u201d x 33 3/4%u201d 33 lbs. 3DP-1842 1293 18%u201d x 42%u201d 15 3/4%u201d x 39 3/4%u201d 38 lbs. 4DP-1848 1394 18%u201d x 48%u201d 15 3/4%u201d x 45 3/4%u201d 43 lbs. 4CUSTOM SIZESAVAILABLEConsult Factory For DetailsDrop-In Ice Bins11%u201d Deep Insulated Ice Bin w/ Sliding Stainless Steel Cover %u2022 Rubber Thermal Breaker Reduces Condensation%u2022 Optional 7-Circuit Cold Plate Sealed Into The BottomModel # PriceOverall LengthCut Out SizeW x LIce CapacityApprox. WeightApprox.Cu. Ft.D-12-IBL $1579 12%u201d 15 1/4%u201d x 9 5/8%u201d 23 lbs. 22 lbs. 3D-24-IBL 1731 21%u201d 15 1/4%u201d x 20 3/8%u201d 50 lbs. 39 lbs. 5D-30-IBL 1752 27%u201d 15 1/4%u201d x 26 3/8%u201d 62 lbs. 62 lbs. 8D-36-IBL 1957 33%u201d 15 1/4%u201d x 32 3/8%u201d 75 lbs. 67 lbs. 9w/ 7-CIRCUIT COLD PLATED-24-IBL-7 3941 21%u201d 15 1/4%u201d x 20 3/8%u201d 50 lbs. 84 lbs. 9D-30-IBL-7 3991 27%u201d 15 1/4%u201d x 26 3/8%u201d 62 lbs. 107 lbs. 13D-36-IBL-7 4178 33%u201d 15 1/4%u201d x 32 3/8%u201d 75 lbs. 113 lbs. 15Includes SlidingStainless Steel Cover18%u201dModel # Price SizeApprox. WtApprox.Cu. Ft.SU-16 $993 6 3/8%u201d x 6 3/8%u201d x 3/4%u201d 7 lbs. 1SU-16P $993 4 1/4%u201d Diameter 3 lbs. 1Model # PriceO.A.W x L x HRinser SizeW x L x HApprox. WtApprox.Cu. Ft.SU-16UM $1316 6 3/8%u201d x 11 3/8%u201d x 1%u201d 6-3/8%u201d x 6-3/8%u201d x 1%u201d 8 lbs. 1Countertop Glass RinserRinses away any impurities that might be in the glass!Undercounter Glass RinserRinses away any impurities that might be in the glass!%u2022 Mounts Easily to countertop or bar equipment%u2022 Brushed Stainless Steel%u2022 Water Rinser And Glass Actuator By Pushing Down On Glass%u2022 Threaded Drain For 1/2%u201d Drain Hose%u2022 Mounts Easily to Underside Of Wood Substrate%u2022 Brushed Stainless Steel%u2022 Retrofit any liquid dispense station%u2022 Water Rinser And Glass Actuator By Pushing Down On Glass%u2022 Threaded Drain For 1/2%u201d Drain HoseDBS-53C shownDBS-1%u2022 10%u201d x 14%u201d x 10%u201d Sink Bowls%u2022 4%u201d O.C. Deck Mounted Swing Faucet%u2022 9%u201d High Overflow Pipe(s) w/ 1 1/2%u201d IPS Drain(s)%u2022 4%u201d O.C. Deck Mounted Faucet%u2022 Type 300 Stainless Steel%u2022 8%u201d Wide (Front To Back) x 3/4%u201d Deep%u2022 Perforated Removable Grate Allows For Easy Cleaning%u2022 1%u201d Drain On Right Side%u2022 Designed To Secure To Underside Of Wood SubstrateDRKC-45-IC45%u00ba Inside CornerDRKC-45-OC45%u00ba Outside Corner$752 ea.DRKC-90-IC90%u00ba Inside CornerDRKC-90-OC90%u00ba Outside Corner$752 ea.OPTIONSBarDrink RailsModel # Price# ofBowls# of Drbds.Drbd. SizeDrbd. LocationOutside Dim.W x LCut Out SizeW x LApprox. WeightApprox. Cu. Ft.DBS-1 $1208 1 0 N/A N/A 13%u201d x 19%u201d 12 1/4%u201d x 18 1/4%u201d 21 lbs. 3DBS-2 1355 2 0 N/A N/A 25 1/2%u201d x 19%u201d 24 3/4%u201d x 18 1/4%u201d 26 lbs. 4DBS-3 1631 3 0 N/A N/A 38%u201d x 19%u201d 37 1/4%u201d x 18 1/4%u201d 42 lbs. 9DBS-43L 2457 3 1 12%u201d Right 21 1/8%u201d x 48 5/16%u201d 17%u201d x 47%u201d 88 lbs. 10DBS-43R 2457 3 1 12%u201d Left 21 1/8%u201d x 48 5/16%u201d 17%u201d x 47%u201d 88 lbs. 10DBS-53C 2675 3 2 12%u201d Left & Right 21 1/8%u201d x 60 5/16%u201d 17%u201d x 59%u201d 100 lbs. 21DBS-63C 2793 3 2 18%u201d Left & Right 21 1/8%u201d x 72 5/16%u201d 17%u201d x 71%u201d 110 lbs. 24L and R Indicate Sink Location. C Indicates Sink is Centered.Model # PriceSizeW x LApprox. WeightApprox.Cu. Ft.DRKR-12 $404 8%u201d x 12%u201d 10 lbs. 2DRKR-18 449 8%u201d x 18%u201d 15 lbs. 2DRKR-24 473 8%u201d x 24%u201d 20 lbs. 2DRKR-30 543 8%u201d x 30%u201d 25 lbs. 2DRKR-36 602 8%u201d x 36%u201d 30 lbs. 3DRKR-42 682 8%u201d x 42%u201d 35 lbs. 3DRKR-48 767 8%u201d x 48%u201d 40 lbs. 3For Replacement Sliding Stainless Steel Covers, See Page 96.Drop-In Bar SinksOptional Built-in Embossed DrainboardFACTORY INSTALLED ONLYSU-16SU-16UMSU-16PGlass Rinser For Perforated Drainboards(Activator Only)
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